独立的美式轻奢风,层次感极强,空间设计简而精,不容错过的美。光阴似苒,月转星移,不变的是我们将品质融入生活的坚持。The independent American style is light and luxurious, with a strong sense of hierarchy. The space design is simple and refined, and the beauty
雅致简谱中跳跃着一种无法言喻的灵动A kind of inexplicable flexibility jumps in the elegant simple music浑身散发出一种知性与端庄的气质It exudes an intellectual and dignified temperament时尚经典的设计将其化为一种淡雅的品位The fashionable and classic des
经常有客户问小编,为什么别人家房子总是比自己装修得好看。而我的回答一直是,“选择很重要”,你选择什么样的装修公司,就决定了你的装修品质。Customers often ask Xiao bian why other people's houses are always better decorated than their own. My answer has always been, "Sele
现在每一种装修风格都会有一些演变和变异。就拿大家比较喜欢的现代风格来说,现在还有一种现代轻奢装修风格,可能大家都不太了解。下面就让我们一起来具体的来看看现代轻奢装修风格特点有哪些。Now every decoration style will have some evolution and variation. Take the modern style that everyone likes,
法式风格装修十分浪漫、华丽,突显出空间的奢华感与贵族气息,在这其中还具有安逸与舒适之感。法式装修设计风格具有浓烈的情感、独特的美学理念,通过繁复的设计展现华美的优雅之感。 French style decoration is very romantic and gorgeous, highlighting the sense of luxury and nobility of the space,
李商隐的诗作中,有一句用来形容侘寂风的意境最合适不过:秋阴不散霜飞晚,留得枯荷听雨声。近两年“侘寂美学”盛行,侘[c h à]寂运用在装修家居上,就形成了一种独特的侘寂风格,在汉语里有夸耀自己的意思,单从字面意思我们很难理解这种装修风格,到底有什么特点,能够呈现怎样的装修效果。In Li Shang yin's poems, there is a sentence that is most sui